How wooden houses are constructed in the USA। Wood house in USA

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               Have you ever wondered why most houses in America are not built of wood and brick and concrete?  

         Even after repeated natural disasters, why is America not building houses using brick?

Fire rating: 

       On November 8, 2018, a camp fire in Batte County, Northern California destroyed about 18,800 structures.  

           If these structures were built of brick, could we have saved these houses or at least postponed the damage that would have given our fire personnel more time to extinguish the fire?  

         It is estimated that wildlife losses have increased by $ 5.1 billion in the last 10 years.

            A CMU (concrete masonry unit) wall has higher fire insulation properties than a wood frame wall.  A CMU block has a 2-hour fire rating, which is upgraded to 4 hours if filled with fill material.  A typical wood frame wall has a fire rating of about 1 hour in comparison. 
            Insurance carriers have long-term data suggesting that brick-built homes are less likely to be destroyed by natural hazards, reducing the cost of home insurance with a brick home.

Utilities Cost: 

Due to its mass, brick stores energy more efficiently than wood.  The US Department of Energy estimates an average spend of $ 340 per month, or $ 4080 for utilities, and a brick construction saves about 20% per year - $ 816 / year.  These savings can be dramatic given that an average American owns a home for approximately 8.7 years.

So if there are so many benefits of building brick houses, then why are we building houses with wood?

For starters, wooden houses are much more affordable than brick houses.  It is quite easy to work in these houses because the material is lighter and the brick is more flexible.  

Wood can also be convenient in areas where erosion and silt accumulate, as wood is resistant to such corrosion.


American builders build houses with wood because it is the cheapest material, and they lack the manpower and knowledge to take on such work.  

In addition, labor costs are too high to use brick and concrete which will increase the prices of these already expensive American homes.  

Also the concept of building a house and rebuilding it every few decades comes very naturally to people in America

Is this a price we are willing to pay to protect ourselves from natural disaster?

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